Friday, July 19, 2002

"Many artists go so far as to engage in conversations with more than images and art materials; some even with the developing work... One artist describes the give-and-take that occurs: "I always listen to the work. I will sit and talk with it a long time". Another artist relates specific information about the negotiations. For her, not only did the painting ask for assistance, but she voiced her affirmative response: "This is what I'm gonna be," it says, "Can you help me become that?" And I say, "Okay. How can I help you?". Another artist, in describing her conversations, performs a vaudeville-like routine, physically and vocally enacting both roles--the artist and the painting: "Paintings are a dialogue between the artist and the picure. You have to listen to what the painting wants you to do. It's a dialogue between the two of you. It says, 'I want a little bit more blue over here.' And you say, 'No, you were supposed to be white.'"" from Creative Transformations by Helane Rosenberg

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