Monday, September 02, 2002

Submit and critique poetry at the Poetry Free For All

Vivienne Sato

Tatsumi Orimoto

Mike Diana
Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
"We can already speak today of a lost generation. The consequences of this will affect society for the next 20 to 30 years. Reports from different organs of the UN, human rights organisations, aid agencies, members of parliament and researchers all say the same thing: the sanctions programme is devastating..."
"'The only authentic artworks produced today are those that in their inner organization measure themselves by the fullest experience of horror.' But as T.S. Eliot wrote, 'human kind cannot bear very much reality.' Most listeners want only to be distracted and entertained, and so they flee from music that offers a full experience of horror... popular music is anti-music, a product shoved down the throats of passive consumers by a culture industry devoted to profit. It is not just a substitute for good music but a drug, a poison..."