Friday, March 21, 2003

Imagine a program that stores More yummy eels, please in to memory. What do you get when you interpret eels as a floating point number?

We'd like to prevent this error from occurring.

The virtues of strong typing (a generic overview, don't be scared by the "and Perl" part)

(...and then see OCaml below :)

Ashcroft orders detentions of foreigners without charges
There are a lot of stupid misconceptions about programming languages that make people not want to learn new ones. The most common ones are:

  • All programming languages are basically the same.
  • Code written in anything but C is going to be incredibly slow.
  • Code written in any language with garbage collection is going to be incredibly slow.
  • "Real programmers" only write code in C.
  • Scalable Computer Programming Languages

    OCaml vs C++
    OCaml vs C++ and Java
    Yet more...
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