Monday, May 20, 2002

Reflections on the Dream Traditions of Islam
Pepper With Stiches
Liquid Body
In anthropology focus has shifted away from interviewing "non-Western" dreamers to the anthropologist’s own recent dreams. --The New Anthropology of Dreaming
What is Focusing?
"The Shoah Dream Project exists to document a unique aspect of the Holocaust--how [it] affects our dreams."
"The Third Reich of Dreams, by Charlotte Beradt is a collection of dreams that occurred during the rise of Nazism and were smuggled out of Germany. They reveal dramatically how fear and paranoia take root and become internal agents of self-control. The victims further victimize themselves and become unwitting pawns in the consolidation of dictatorial power." --Dreams and the Politics of Connectedness
Bush administration maintains that covering their asses is more important than figuring out what went wrong on Sept. 11th.