Monday, August 05, 2002

We will never be able to show that Alice has revealed the last of her keys. Further, even if Alice has co-operated fully and has revealed all of her keys, she will not be able to prove it. Therefore, we must assume that at every stage that Alice has kept secret information from us, and continue to beat her, even though she may have revealed the last of her keys. But the whole time we will feel uneasy about this because Alice may have co-operated fully. Alice will have realised this though, and so presumably it's going to be very hard to get keys out of her at all.

I can never prove that I have revealed the last of my keys. In the end I'm bound for continued beating, even if I can buy brief respites by coughing up keys from time to time. Therefor, it would be foolish to divulge my most sensitive keys, because (a) I'll be that much closer to the stage where I have nothing left to divulge at all (it's interesting to note that this seemingly illogical, yet entirely valid argument of Alice's can protect the most sensitive of Alice's keys the "whole way though", like a form mathematical induction), and (b) the taste of truly secret information will only serve to make my aggressors come to the view that there is even higher quality information yet to come, re-doubling their beating efforts to get at it, even if I have revealed all. Therefor, my best strategy would be to (a) reveal no keys at all or (b) depending on the nature of the aggressors, and the psychology of the situation, very slowly reveal my "duress" and other low-sensitivity keys."
"Who are m-o-o-t? An informal group of (mostly) civil libertarians who include cryptographers and programmers. We aren't exactly secret, but some of us don't want to be identified. Some of us are very good at not being identified, and I don't know who you are!"

Their product "will consist of one CD which will boot on as many computers as possible. There will be a suite of email, w/p, spreadsheet, graphics etc programs on the CD. Access to local storage (hard drives etc.) will be disabled, and the system will shut down if the CD is removed. Data and mail will be transmitted and stored in encrypted form split between off-shore data havens."

"In the life of a man his time is but a moment, his being, an incessant flux, his body, a prey to worms...Observe, in short. How transient and trivial is all material life: Yesterday a drop of semen, tomorrow a handful of ashes..." --Marcus Aurelius vs The Buddha
Secret arrests, indefinate detentions without trial or accusation, secret hearings, military tribunals, denial of legal representation... Judge Young... added: "This is the most profound shift in our legal institutions in my lifetime and - most remarkable of all - it has taken place without engaging any broad public interest whatsoever."
Instead of stirring up public outrage with rhetoric such as, "If you've got nothing to hide...," Senate leaders fear taking a lie detector test when they're the targets.