Thursday, August 01, 2002

"In George Orwell's novel 1984, news articles containing inconvenient facts were thrown down a memory hole to be incinerated. Now The Memory Hole Website rescues knowledge in danger of being forgotten, ignored, or suppressed.

The reason that literal memory holes don't exist is that they don't need to. Thanks to litigiation, spin control, self-censorship, media laziness, and info-glut, a lot of important facts are buried. Websites disappear. Articles from the Associated Press are changed. The New York Times buries a major revelation in the 18th paragraph of an article on page A23. The FBI withholds evidence. Transcripts of Congressional hearings go out of print after a week. Crucial government documents are never put online. Citizens have to pay hundreds of dollars for a single Freedom of Information Act request. Investigative books reveal startling facts, but who has time to read 900-page exposes? There are lots and lots of reasons why important facts often don't get the exposure they deserve." --Library Juice vol 5
(Thanks to Jesse)

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