Thursday, October 25, 2001

A little homegrown American terorism:
   Aug 6th, 1945 -  Hiroshima:
                                76,000 building destroyed
                                200,000 innocent civilians murdered in one day
   Aug 9th, 1945 -   Nagasaki:
                                140,000 innocent civilians murdered in one day
American reaction: Celebration

Kyoto, the beautiful ancient city of Japan, was originally scheduled to be destroyed. The decision to bomb Nagasaki instead saved at least 800,000 innocent people.

General Leslie Groves was dissapointed:

"I particularly wanted Kyoto as a target because, as I have said, it was large enough an area for us to gain complete knowledge of the effects of an atom bomb. Hiroshima was not nearly so satisfactory in this respect."

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